Specialists in road
traffic accident claims
Getting you back on your feet!
Road Traffic Accidents in Cheshire & Cambridge
The vast majority of road traffic accidents are simple “bumps”. Nobody is injured and all there is, is some dented mental along with some dented pride or embarrassment. It happens.
Accidents involving cyclists or motorcyclists invariably end up with the cyclist or motorcyclist getting injured, often very badly.
Road traffic accidents can range from simple bumps causing minor injuries to a major crash causing serious injuries. Bizarrely a simple bump can also cause a serious injury whereas a major crash can cause almost no injuries. The same crash can even cause different injuries to different occupants – one can walk away when the other has suffered serious injuries.
Setting the injuries to one side, we also see many different scenarios play out. The simplest is where the fault for the accident is admitted by one party then it is a simple matter of quantifying the wronged person’s losses. At the other end is a case that is fought up to a trial though this is very rare.
There is then a range of other cases with questions of who was in the right and who was in the wrong, most commonly involving roundabouts or junctions. No matter how an accident may seem to one person, it may appear very differently to the other person involved.
It is important to make a claim early and to preserve any evidence that there might be. For example, with injuries you should always see a doctor to make sure that you are doing the right thing. If it is simply rest with painkillers then so be it, but if physiotherapy or some other treatment is needed then it is far better to get on any waiting list immediately.
For financial losses, keep any receipts. If you need a hire car, be very careful with what you are offered. If it is a free courtesy car from your insurer, they are in the habit of arranging a credit hire car where you are ultimately responsible for any charges, so watch what you sign.
Rather than give a long list of expenses and evidence please call us instead as we can give you some pointers.
Both of us have dealt with road traffic accidents of all types of severity and complexity for most of our careers and we have seen most possibilities, so we are well-placed to help you.
Call us on 01270 509800 or 01353 865 333. If you would prefer us to call you, complete our online enquiry form.